Beat Down Burnout



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How to Build Trust in Your Organization




How Does Personality Science Work in Coaching?


Healthcare is Under Siege

As you know, it is my passion to stamp out bullying in healthcare, not just for Physicians before everyone in healthcare. I have talked a lot this past year, about

Getting Seen and Heard

it’s as if no one hears us. Our words fall on deaf ears. You almost feel as if you’re speaking the wrong language. Maybe there’s some secret code or secret

Let Go of the Physical Manifestations of Burnout

Sometimes, your muscles get all knotted up and you might get a tension headache, yes? You, or someone you know, might even get sick to their stomach. It’s not that

Mindfulness Isn’t a Cure for Incivility

What does work, then? Open, honest communication. Communication that honors both the speaker and the listener does work! It rebuilds trust.

How Are Your Skills at Boundary Setting?

People hear me speak about this and their immediate action is to talk about moral injury. Yes, this makes me concerned about moral injury, too. What if we could set

Level Up Your Negotiating Skills

I was never taught how to negotiate. I always considered myself a poor negotiator when I got out of school and had to start looking for jobs. I had no

Why I Did the Interview with Authority Magazine

the reason I do these things like interviews is because I'm passionate about what I do and what I do is I help healthcare workers like yourself who are struggling

You’ve Got a Meeting with the C-Suite!

How does that make you feel? Are you fine with it, cool as a cucumber? Then, you are the exception. For many, it causes anxiety and stress, even when we

Here Are 2 Points for CEOs Having Staffing Issues

It's your responsibility to ensure that all the systems carry out the processes as planned. Does that include ultimately making certain all the teams are always properly staffed?

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