Your EHR Isn’t Responsible for Your Burnout

It simply manages information. Research shows if you want to change your workload, you must have conversations around that workload. You must communicate and set boundaries. You must know what you want, how to say it, and you have to say it in such a way that values everyone at the table.
The Relationship Between Communication and Burnout.

Recently, colleagues asked me how I solve burnout with communication. From the tone of their voice, they thought I was in over my head, and this was never going to work. I thought, wow, this is a great opportunity for me to share.
The Beauty and Value of a Supportive Team

We all grew in terms of community and personal growth, but that wasn’t the amazing part. What blew my mind was the collaborations that sprang up out of this weekend.
Words Have Consequences

Communication is everything. What you say has power. Think about that for a moment. We can either drive people to suicide, or we can save them from it.
Are There Any Real Resources for Burnout?

What programs were not offering, and what many are requesting, are effective ways to communicate with administrators and break down barriers. They are requesting ways to set up systems that allow physicians and other staff to voice their concerns and negotiate for their needs without fear of retaliation. Physicians and nurses are seeking a comprehensive plan for their teams to set boundaries, in terms of hours and duties, to prevent morale injury.
How to Speak to an Administrator

Administrators are high in Blueprint personality tells us that they value such things as stability, structure, systems, planning, responsibility, rules, credentials, and titles. There are a few more of their core values, but it’s more important to know that they despise risk. They are incredibly risk adverse.
You Can’t Reason with a Bully

You generally can’t reason, with a bully, and you can’t bully the bully either that simply escalates things. So how do you deal with a bully? Especially at work? Especially someone who’s probably in a position of power and protected by that?
Doctors and Nurses: Arch Enemies or Best Teammates?

Constantly working together can mean constant friction, or it can be some of the best communication you will ever see. You choose.
Workplace Safety for Healthcare Workers

When people are belittled and verbally bullied, open communication does not exist. When this happens, all types of communication suffer. This includes your handoff from shift to shift, which can lead to medical errors.

I believe that much of team efficiency comes down to communication. We must speak the right tones and say the right notes to resonate with everyone on the team.